LB Lact

LB Lact is the Bulgarian probiotic, developed following a special technology with four beneficial strains for stimulating the body’s immune system. All ingredients in the product are optimally combined to achieve the most effective impact on the human body.
LB Lact is suitable for:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Maintaining the balance of the gastro-intestinal micro flora during or after antibiotic intake
  • Assisting the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood stream
  • Lactose intolerance


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LB Lact capsules are plant-based and specially designed to provide prolonged resistance to stomach acidity. Thanks to the innovative capsule technology, a high number of live bacteria are guaranteed to reach the gastrointestinal tract.
To enhance their effectiveness, the capsules are formulated with a maximized bacterial content, minimizing the presence of auxiliary substances.
*Suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance.