Mission and objectives

The main mission of LB Bulgaricum is to keep and enrich the ancient Bulgarian traditions in the production of dairy products, combined with implementation of innovative and modern technologies and advanced methods of research.

LB Bulgaricum has always strived to apply the strictest standards of corporate service, to comply with business ethics based on integrity and loyalty and to operate in full compliance with all regulations and norms.

The main objectives of the company are:

  • Customer Focus

Today, consumers seek anticipation and meeting of their expectations. We, at “LB Bulgaricum” EAD, are committed to fulfilling this important task by ensuring satisfaction with our products, which are a source of health and energy.

  • Quality

Quality is of primary importance for the business development of “LB Bulgaricum” EAD.
We are committed to using high-quality products and to ensuring high quality in everything we do in line with our long-term business strategy.

  • Innovation

Innovation is essential for our continuous growth. Each employee is given the opportunity to be involved in the innovation processes and to contribute to their implementation.

  • Social Responsibility

We pay special attention to our corporate social responsibility policy. Our company contributes to the economic, social and community development.

  • Human Resources Development

We, at “LB Bulgaricum” EAD, believe that our human resources are of key importance, because every person brings significant value to the company. We value transparency and communication and strive to treat each other with tolerance.  And, of course, we should not forget the sense of humour, which is a mandatory feature for all of us!

  • Added Value

We continuously strive to make contributions to our customers and to the society we work in.

  • Accountability

Our company is proud of its strict compliance with all legislation relevant to our operations. Our successful results are directly related to our high accountability in the implementation of each step of our business plan.